OKR in images

Niklas Olsson
Get started with OKRs

We are happy to offer 30 minutes of free OKR coaching to set you on track for your implementation!

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Sometimes an image says more than a thousand words. This gallery of images show different aspects of Objectives and Key Results and are free to use in your presentations or other material. If you share or publish online, please leave a link back to this source.

What is OKR?

What is OKR? Image describing what OKRs are and how to work with them in an organisation.

This image explains what OKR is. Many people loose sight of that OKRs are actually two things, both a way to formulate goals and a way to work with goals in an organisation. The image works very well as an introduction to the subject of Objectives & Key Results with an overview on the topic.

What are Objectives and Key Results?

A description of what objectives and Key results (OKR) is all about.

The above image shows the three different components of an OKR with details on the structure of an objective, key results as well as the role of initiatives. Bear in mind that an OKR seldom stands alone, but instead most often is presented in combination with one or two more OKRs.

Working with OKRs

The OKR cycle - image shows the different steps of working with OKRs.

As you can see in this image, working with OKRs is an iterative process where you create, communicate, follow up, score and conduct retrospectives to learn. It all then starts over for the next cycle, but hopefully you and the team have picked up some learnings that allow you to perform even better next time around.

OKRs over the year in an organisation

A year with OKR - image shows how company and team OKRs interact over the year.

The most common cadence in OKRs today are to run company (strategic) OKRs over the year while the teams update their OKRs every quarter. The image illustrates this cycle and shows how OKRs come and go for the teams as well as become more or fewer between the quarters.

Stylish OKR cover images

OKR spelled out in a neon sign.
OKR written in clouds.
OKR illustrated style.

Some stylish images with OKR spelled out to use at the start of a presenation for example. Images created by Niklas Olsson / Bantero.

Niklas Olsson
Get started with OKRs

We are happy to offer 30 minutes of free OKR coaching to set you on track for your implementation!

Schedule 30m intro

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